25 August 2011

All-consuming store function to end soon

I mean it! I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I finally have 2 very reliable, responsible and kick-ass ladies to run things daily and returning to my old life should commence within a week or so. Don't get me wrong ~ I LOVE MY STORE and wish I could stay there all day, every day... but other responsibilities have to take priority. Case in point: my dogs are quite resentful about being alone all day and have begun to act out in very bad ways. My laundry to-do pile is officially up to my hip, and the contents of my fridge are down to an old cantaloupe, some restaurant take-home and a potato.

There was a short but sweet article about us in Daily Candy Philadelphia:

Which is exciting. We are on our 4th floor re-stock, and 3rd front window display. This one is featuring our Starkey Labs Egg chair, and here is the only photo I have of it (from instagram):

Starkey Egg Chair, Herman Miller Office Chairs, potted plant in a HUGE Hull planter. :)

Maybe one day  I will remember which day is Monday and show off the thrift finds I've kept. It's hard not to keep some of the things that Mike has been finding. Especially when it's original leather sling butterfly chairs, and Scarpa sofas. *bites palm*

Well I've laid around long enough, as much as I want (need) a nap, I have to shower and run some errands. Again, I hope to return to more personal blogging soon, including home revamps, thrift finds, and scans.



jamie@midcenturymania said...

Great article! Congratulations on finding the right people to run the store. Hope you get a little down time, after walking the dogs, doing the laundry, grocery shopping...

Dana@Mid2Mod said...

Congrats on the write-up. Hope it brings in a lot of new traffic!